V litter whelped December 4, 2014
10 puppies!!!
4 males (2 brsch & 2 schwsch) & 6 females (4 brsch & 2 schwsch)
10 puppies!!!
4 males (2 brsch & 2 schwsch) & 6 females (4 brsch & 2 schwsch)
Lexis vom Eisbärteich ZB# 215271 Jack II vom Liether-Moor ZB# 218384
DOB: 10.12.2010 DOB: 06.01.2012 ZR# 218/12
VJP: 73pts. VJP: 72pts.
HZP: 0/172pts. HZP: 190pts.
HD & OCD frei Top scoring dog in the 2013 Oberländer
vWD clear by parentage VGP: II./297TF
ZR#: 452/10 HD~OCD~ED frei vWD clear by DNA
F/H: 9/8 H/L: 67/68
H/L: 60/61 F/H: 11/12
ahnentafel ahnentafel
DOB: 10.12.2010 DOB: 06.01.2012 ZR# 218/12
VJP: 73pts. VJP: 72pts.
HZP: 0/172pts. HZP: 190pts.
HD & OCD frei Top scoring dog in the 2013 Oberländer
vWD clear by parentage VGP: II./297TF
ZR#: 452/10 HD~OCD~ED frei vWD clear by DNA
F/H: 9/8 H/L: 67/68
H/L: 60/61 F/H: 11/12
ahnentafel ahnentafel